Being placed on probation can be an opportunity to avoid jail time and rebuild your life. But probation brings its own set of strict rules and challenges. If you were charged with a crime in Washington and were placed on probation, you must understan…
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Reckless driving and reckless endangerment may sound like similar crimes, but they actually refer to two separate and distinct criminal offenses. Reckless driving and reckless endangerment are both gross misdemeanors that can result in up to 364 days…
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New rules regarding the terms of probation for criminal defendants in Washington state went into effect on January 1, 2023. The new law, which made updates to Criminal Rule 7.6, will allow more people to be released from jail before their scheduled p…
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Revisions to Washington’s domestic violence protection order statute, RCR 7.105.050, became effective on July 1, 2022. The new law combines four different types of restraining orders under one statute. The revisions are intended to increase the acc…
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If you or someone you know is facing their first DUI offense, it is important to understand that the potential penalties can be severe. But there is good news: statistically speaking, someone facing a first offense for Driving Under the Influence (DU…
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Burglary is a serious crime that carries severe penalties. If you have been charged with burglary or another breaking and entering offense, experienced legal representation is critical. When you work with the Campbell Law Firm, I will analyze your si…
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Washington state’s Minor in Possession (MIP) law makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess, consume, or otherwise acquire alcohol. Violation of Washington state’s MIP law is a gross misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $5,0…
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Disorderly conduct is one of the most common criminal charges in Washington state. It is a misdemeanor offense and, compared to other crimes, many people view it as a relatively minor offense. However, a conviction carries a sentence of up to 90 days…
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Under Washington state law, a person can lawfully use force to defend themselves, to defend others, and to defend their property. But for the use of force to be lawful, the person claiming self-defense cannot use more force than is necessary, and the…
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Harassment and stalking are ongoing problems in the Pacific Northwest. These allegations often come up because of a misunderstanding, as an outgrowth of bullying, or when online interactions become personal. If you are facing allegations of stalking…
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Criminal charges can change your life. When you learn that a warrant has been issued, receive a summons to appear in court, or are taken into custody it can be intimidating. You may not know where to turn, or what will happen in the days and weeks to come. But…
When household conflict grows intense, it can often result in domestic violence charges. In other cases, interpersonal conflict can turn physical resulting in assault charges. When that happens, you need a criminal defense attorney who understands the special nature of crimes that arise when people get too close for comfort.
Vehicular charges can sometimes happen without warning, or even by accident. When you find yourself charged with car-related homicide or criminal offenses, you need a vehicular homicide defense attorney who knows how to build your best defense. I am Justin Campbell, a criminal defense attorney with experience from simple traffic…
If you are charged with DUI in Skagit County, Island County, or Northwest Washington, you need to contact an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Due to the nature of evidence in DUI cases and Department of Licensing timelines, time is of the essence if you are charged with…
White collar crimes are financial crimes committed by people who have access to or control over someone else’s finances. The government takes these crimes seriously, and the penalties for a white collar criminal conviction can be severe. But an experienced white collar criminal defense lawyer can investigate the allegations, fight…
A criminal record can make it difficult to find a job, rent an apartment, or be accepted into college or technical school. But in many circumstances, you can have your criminal conviction vacated, making it almost as if you were never convicted at all. If you are facing problems because…