Vehicular Homicide Defense Attorney

Vehicular charges can sometimes happen without warning, or even by accident. When you find yourself charged with car-related homicide or criminal offenses, you need a vehicular homicide defense attorney who knows how to build your best defense. I am Justin Campbell, a criminal defense attorney with experience from simple traffic crimes to vehicular homicide. I can help you understand what you are facing and find a way out.

Traffic Crimes

There are several driving violations that cross the line from civil penalty to criminal charges. In addition to DUI charges, Washington motorists can find themselves charged with:

  • Reckless driving
  • Reckless endangerment
  • Negligent driving
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Hit and run

Many of these charges have misdemeanor and felony versions depending on the circumstances of the offense. If you are convicted of some traffic crimes your license could be suspended, which can affect your ability to travel or commute to work. I know traffic crimes can be more serious than they seem. I will make sure you understand the potential consequences of any traffic charge, so you can make an informed decision about any settlement.

Vehicular Assault

When a car crash causes serious injury and is the result of reckless driving or DUI, you may find yourself facing vehicular assault. This is one of the most severe vehicular crimes in Washington. As a Class B felony, you could face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. Some cases start as a simple reckless driving or DUI charge, only to have the vehicular assault charge added once the alleged victim's injuries are established.

Vehicular Homicide

When a person dies within three years of a serious auto accident, there is a possibility the driver will be charged with vehicular homicide. This Class A felony can be charged if the driver was acting:

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Recklessly
  • With disregard of others' safety

It carries a possible penalty of life in prison and a $50,000 fine.

I have extensive experience defending vehicular assault and homicide charges. I know how to review accident logs, witness testimony, and other evidence to find defenses to these serious charges. I will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case and help you make the hard decision whether to accept a settlement or take the case to trial.

Hire the Campbell Law Firm To Work For You

Whether you are facing a simple traffic crime or a complicated vehicular homicide charge, you need to talk to a skilled Washington criminal defense lawyer. I know how serious vehicular crimes can be. I will set you up with a free consultation, virtually or in person, so you will have plenty of time to understand the process and get all of your questions answered. I handle most cases with one clear flat fee, so you will know what to expect before you leave the office. When you're ready to choose Campbell Law Firm as your criminal defense firm, all you need to do is contact me at (360) 588-4111.